Things to do near the quito airport?

Things to do near the quito airport…

Got a few hours to kill? You can try…

1. The Papallacta Hot Springs 45 minutes from the airport. Great scenic ride up past the continental divide, eat fresh trout for lunch, and then relax in the warm waters of the hot springs, entry price from $4! Jamanco Springs are the recommended ones, not the main ones everyone goes to!

2. The Middle of the world monument and museum. Did you know you are just a half hr from the equator when at the Quito airport? Check it out!

3. Hiking the nearby mountains… call or txt us for more on this!

4. The Guayabamba (Quito) Zoo. Did you know the city zoo is actually closer to the airport than the city? with many ecuador amazonian animals and birds to boot, worth an afternoon!

5. Cumbaya Park. Grab a bite to eat at one of the many restaurants around the square or take a yoga class in between flights! Just 20 minutes from the airport!

6. HOrseback riding! Inquire with us for more!

7. Swim or play tennis with us here at Quito Airport SUites! –

8. Visit a Dog rescue center, also within minutes of the airport.

9. Visit the Quinche Cathedral, so important to the Catholic church the POPE visited this site on his most recent visit to Ecuador. 25 minutes from the airport.

10. Visit a flower plantation, just 5 minutes from the Quito airport! Did you know Ecuador was one of the top flower exporters in the world?


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